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The YE-2019  conference was run by the CT/OES Joint Chapter of the HKIEEE. It is designed to allow talented students to present topics of interest or work they are involved with.  These are usually STEM related and the event offers students to receive credit for this work.  This recognition is especially useful, for students, when applying to schools and universities for continuing or future study.

The virtual conference was held in Hong Kong at Cyberport, Pokfulam.

The conference was originally scheduled for July 2019.  Issues in Hong Kong delayed this event and the COVID-19 pandemic delayed it further and made it a virtual conference with presentations carried out on Zoom.



The aim and objective of this student conference was to invite students from both high schools and universities in Hong Kong and Asia for a chance to present, research and write a poster and a paper on a topic that interests them.

A total of 16 posters were presented by 16 groups, a total of 20 students were involved.


Currently the organizing committee is arranging a student paper from each group and these will form the proceedings of this conference. The posters and papers will be uploaded into Research Gate for further use by the scientific community.

The organizers of this event would like to thank the Hong Kong CE/OES Joint Chapter Executive Committee and Cyberport for making this conference possible.


There were a total of 16 presentations with two presenters from Macau.


 The list is below in order of presentation. 

The details of each student’s work are available for viewing in the folders below. 

The posters and papers have already been up-loaded to ResearchGate for researcher access.

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Poster Competition Winners

1st Place: The Evaluation of Boat Visitation and its Effect on the Cetacean Population in Hoi Ha Wan – Uma Bery


2nd Place: The Effect of Particulate Matter Exhaust from the Lamma Island Power Station on the Particulate Level Throughout Hong Kong Relative to the World Health Organization’s Safety Standards – Emily Huang & Naomi Katayama


3rd Place: Integrating CAN bus with Blue Robotics thruster by customer PCB and protocol – Isaac Sin

Please see the reviewed papers in this folder.

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