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In order to provide a better experience, the Young Engineers are moving to a new site:

Current Activities

Ice-breaker BBQ date for all Junior members to be announced soon

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A Message from the current Chairman of the HK IEEE CT/OES

     A warm welcome to you!

     It is a great pleasure for me to be involved in this initiative that allows secondary school students to participate in an IEEE conference.  This allows students the chance to take their project work to a new level to enrich their CV's with a conference participation and a ResearchGate publication.   This will assist their applications for further education, especially university.

   The IEEE has long since recognized the need to cultivate and encourage engineers from a young age.  To nurture and foster these students to become productive members of the communities they are a part of.  To get them to consider joining the achievers who are advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.    


     So, if you are a secondary school student then join up.  If you are an educator, encourage students to join up.  We encourage students to become part of the growing number of university applicants who apply to university with a published paper mentioned on their CV.  

Yours in education,


Paul Hodgson – Chairman, CEOES HK Chapter


Aim & Objective of the Conference

The aim and objective of the student conference is to present secondary school student’s project work.  The conference is open to students in any part of the world.  The conference offers the chance for students to showcase selected work via a presentation, a poster and a student scientific paper.  This will allow students to present and network with academia and industry professionals.

All the scientific posters and papers will also be published in the conference proceedings and will be up-loaded to ResearchGate.  This will provide other researchers future access to their work and provide proof of publication to participating students with their future studies and careers.

The timing of the conference will allow secondary school students to reference their work in the current round of university applications.  We feel that the current issues of holding examinations for IB, IGCSE and A-levels, due to the COVID-19, may hinder the recognition of student’s potential.  This effort will assist to show the potential of students.
The theme of this year’s conference is centered on using technology to improve the land, air and marine environment through the use of technology.  This is also a prime directive of the IEEE as part of their “Engineering for Humanity” objective.


Why Run a Student Conference?

Technology is ever-changing.  Students nowadays have ready access to a large amount of information that can be obtained instantly on the internet.  Furthermore, the ease of availability of inexpensive sensor equipment has allowed students to consider projects that would not have been possible 5 years ago.  The knowledge gap between the young learners and the already educated is increasing quickly in a positive direction.  But more needs to be done to showcase the work students are doing to offer encouragement and constructive criticism.

Currently entry to post-secondary education and finding employment is more competitive than ever before.  Having good grades in high school and university no longer guarantees a good job.  Applicants nowadays need to have something extra on top of their studies to stand out during the selection process. Participation in activities like this conference will provide an extra “edge” for the students to help with their studies and career.

Modern education understands the need and importance of providing a platform for students to explore further into topics of interest.  Currently it is difficult to credit them with any extra work they carry out pursuing their interests.  This changes when this work meets specific standards and they have the opportunity to make meaningful change through the publication of student scientific papers and posters.

It is also important that we nurture future talents by giving them a platform to allow them to express their ideas and also to provide a chance to converse with industry professionals to consolidate their ideas, scientific research and innovative designs.  This networking may also further advance their studies and careers through this interaction.

As the conference is organized by the IEEE it will give this organization and the attendees the chance to explore some fresh insights into how the younger generation is applying their knowledge with current technology to tackle some of the world’s largest problems.



The topics for the conference will be split equally amongst Consumer Electronics and Oceanic Engineering Society to allow students from a variety of discipline to participate in this year’s student conference.


- Drones
- Commercial ROV
- Commercially available Micro-Controller projects (Micro:Bit, Arduino, Raspberry Pi)
- Sensor interface using commercial and consumer products
- IOT & Smart City
- Robotics Interface (sensors and people)
- Smart Home and Building
- Interesting & Unique Applications (APPS)
- Environmental data collection using Consumer electronics


- Application of non-commercial ROV
- Non-commercial ROV design 
- Scientific collection of Marine Data, Presentation + results 
- Methods and Results of Marine Survey 
- Sustainable Fisheries 
- Cetaceans Studies, surveys and results 
- Marine Search & Recovery of Underwater objects 
- Underwater sensors and technology
- Marine Environmental Issues 
- Marine Based Renewable Energy



General themes:

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YE-23 is scheduled for 11 & 12th November 2023

Stay tuned for more details

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